A Company that Brings You More Exciting Entertainment.
To Move People More through Games.

We make use of cutting-edge technology to create games
that will excite not just ourselves,
but the staff at our fellow game companies as well as those who love games.
We are able to raise the value of well-known properties,
having the technological prowess required for big titles
and the planning skills necessary for production.

Having already surpassed the boundaries of the game industry,
our company continues to grow by utilizing the technology
and experience we have cultivated through game production.

We believe in the power of entertainment.
Our company allows players to traverse unknown worlds
through the power of entertainment, bringing an exciting experience to all.

  • 最高の環境と最高のチームだからこそ、生み出せるものがある。

    Precisely because the best environment
    and the best team ,
    There are things that Umidaseru .

  • 日夜、試行錯誤の繰り返し。その努力がワクワクにつながると信じています。

    Day and night , the repetition of trial and error .
    The effort I believe lead to exciting .


Do not compromise on their entertainment ,
It is the bee tribe .